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Maastricht Innovation in Higher Education Days 2017 (MID2017)

On 31 January and 1 February 2017, the first Maastricht Innovation in Higher Education Days (MID2017) took place in Maastricht, the Netherlands. During this joint conference EDELNet, EADTU, EIPA, SCORE2020 and UM offered a two day meeting between stakeholders in higher education, discussing challenges and opportunities of internationalization in higher education by new modes of teaching. The conference was open to external participants via video conference tools as part of our hybrid conference programme.

Participants at the MID 2017 in Maastricht.

Day 1

“International intensive programmes in action” – EDELNet consortium

Cooperation; from Summer school to Network (presentation)
– Pablo De Diego Ángeles (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)


EDELNet: goal, programme and achievements (presentation)
– Juan J. Garcia Blesa (FernUniversität in Hagen)


“Strategic use of MOOCs in internationalisation”

How MOOCs boost student mobility and increases cross-institutional programs (presentation)
– Mark Brown (Director, National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University)


Making European diversity a strength: toward regional support centres by SCORE2020 consortium (presentation)
– Darco Jansen (Programme Manager EADTU)


Policy Forum on “Internationalisation in Higer Education: Policies on international course and curriculum collaboration, virtual mobility, part-time study and MOOCs”

Opening by Anja Oskamp (President EADTU, Rector Open University of the Netherlands)

1. Blended or online networked courses and virtual mobility

Towards a culture of innovation and creativity in digital education (presentation)
Bram Akkermans (Associate Professor European and Comparative Property Law Maastricht University)


International Curriculum in Law /EDELNet (presentation)
– Huub Spoormans (Professor Social Legal Studies, Open University of the Netherlands)


The European Virtual Seminar, Open University of the Netherlands (presentation)
– Joop de Kraker (Associate Professor Environmental Sciences, Open University of the Netherlands)


Internationalization of HE extended by Virtual Erasmus (presentation)
George Ubachs (Managing Director EADTU)


Virtual mobility in Campus-net (presentation)
Sebastián Rubén Gómez Palomo (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)


2. Short learning programs, continuing education and MOOCs

Short Learning Programs and international collaboration (presentation)
– Liz Marr (Director of Learning and Teaching Innovation (LTI), The Open University)


Strategies for international online continuing education and MOOCs (presentation)
– Jan Henk van der Werff (TU Delft)


MID2017 Panel session

Panel members

Chair: Liz Marr (Director of Learning and Teaching Innovation, The Open University UK)
Marco Kalz (UNESCO chair of Open Oducation, Open University of the Netherlands)
Marga Pröhl (Director-General EIPA)
Julie Anderson (Policy Officer Higher Education, European Commission)

Closure by Anja Oskamp (President EADTU, Rector Open University of the Netherlands)


Day 2

“Good practices on international course and curriculum collaboration including virtual mobility”, EDELNet consortium

International student oriented teaching and blended learning in Law (presentation)
– Michiel van Oosterzee (Open University of the Netherlands)




Wearable Tech in Law School Simulations (WeTeLSS) (presentation)
– Catalina Goanta | Gwen Noteborn | Bram Akkermans (Maastricht University)


Good practices on international course and curriculum collaboration (presentation)
– Siemen Buttiëns (KU Leuven)


“Internationalisation of Higher Education: impact of online, open education and MOOCs”

Introduction to MOOCs and internationalization (presentation)
– Darco Jansen (Programme Manager EADTU)


MOOC and student mobility (presentation)
– Liva Vikmane (Vice President ESU)


MOOCs as people networks – the experience ESPACE MOOC (presentation)
– Frederik Truyen (Professor, CS Digital – KU Leuven)


Opening education to all: how to facilitate to all people (presentation)
– Tiberio Feliz Murias (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)


Teaching Training in Digital Competences and SLPs: Initial experiences at UNED using NOOCS (Nano Open Online Courses) (presentation)
– Sebastián Rubén Gómez Palomo (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)


“Internationalisation of Higher Education: impact of online, open education and MOOCs”

New ways of credentialing – credits for MOOCs (presentation)
– Tessa van Puijenbroek (TU Delft)


Organisational challenges and opportunities for Open Online Education: Results of a group-concept mapping study (presentation)
– Martine Schophuizen (Open University of the Netherlands)


Strategic partnerships for MOOC development by Darco Jansen (EADTU) – Regional support centres for open, online education and MOOCs (presentation)


Forum session led by Marco Kalz (UNESCO chair of Open Education, Open University of the Netherlands)