On January 30, at 19:30 (CET), Dr Neil Graffin, Lecturer at Open University Law School (UK), will deliver within the framework of the EDELNet Graduate School an online guest lecture.
The lecture will consider an issue arising from the European Court of Human Rights case of Gäfgen v Germany – the punishment of those who ill-treat suspects in police interviews. This so-called ‘hard case’ presents a moral dilemma for legal scholars – should police officers be punished leniently when they threaten criminal suspects with ill-treatment to save the life of another? This lecture will engage with the work of Professor Steven Greer on this issue.
This activity is part of a series of Guest Lectures of the EDELNet Graduate School. You can access the lecture room directly at https://emeeting.fernuni-hagen.de/edelnet/ on January 30 at 19:30 (CET).