During this year´s the Education Day of the Open Universiteit Nederland on November 10th 2016, Prof. Dr. Huub Spoormans was honored as OU Lecturer of the year 2016.
The Price, based on nominations from students, was awarded by a jury chaired by the Rector Magnificus of the OU NL Anja Oskamp. The reasons, why students gave their nominations were heartwarming and showed how much the teachers are valued.
Prof. Dr. Spoormans is a long-time professor at the Open Universiteit Nederland and holds a Chair for Metajuridica. In the past he also held the Dean’s Office at the Faculty of Law. No one else is familiarized as much with the new model of teaching and the new way of working that is required thereby. The enthusiasm in science and teaching, Prof. Dr. Spoormans brings to daylight makes him very popular by the students. Furthermore he knows how to make tricky issues like research and legal thinking brightly visible for law students and lawyers as well.
The whole EDELNet-Community congratulates Prof. Dr. Spoormans to this “Kudo”!