New collaborations between the EDELNet Partners come into being every day strengthening the Partnership. This time, the Chair for Private Law, Commercial Law, Intellectual Property and Civil Procedure at the FernUniversität in Hagen and the Department of Public International and European Union Law of UNED are helping each other to further develop their own teaching programmes. For this purpose, Prof. Dr. Fernando Val will produce a video-lecture on “EU Trade Mark and International Registration of Trade Marks under the Madrid System” that will be integrated in the „Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz“ module of the FernUni. In return, Mrs. Ulrike Schellberg will also deliver a video-lecture unit titled “Introduction to the European Commission and the European Parliament” that will be made available to UNED students enrolled in the introductory module to EU Law. We welcome this initiative and look forward to further EDELNet collaboration!