Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology lizenziert

Nachschlagewerk zur Informationswissenschaft und -technologie campusweit verfügbar

Die Universitätsbibliothek hat die dritte Auflage der Encyclopedia of information science and technology lizenziert. Damit steht die Online Ausgabe von

Encyclopedia of information science and technology / Mehdi Khosrow-Pour . – 3. ed.
Hershey, Pa. [u.a.] : Information Science Reference,  2015 –
ISBN 978-1-4666-5888-2  hardcover

im Hochschulnetz der FernUniversität zur Verfügung und kann auch am heimischen Arbeitsplatz genutzt werden.
Auf mehr als 10.000 Seiten werden die Bereiche Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik und Informationstechnik umfassend dargestellt.

Aus der Beschreibung des Anbieters:
„Information acquisition and management has always had a profound impact on societal and organizational progression. However, as computing dramatically advances the level of intelligence associated with management technologies, the breadth of their dispersal, and ultimately the impact of the information itself, the utilization and management of information science and technology also gains profound importance. This change-driven environment creates a critical need for a comprehensive, up-to-date reference encompassing the full range of concepts, issues, methods, technologies, and trends associated with the field.

The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition is a 10-volume compilation of authoritative, research-based articles contributed by thousands of researchers and experts from all over the world. This discipline-defining encyclopedia will serve research needs in numerous fields that are affected by the rapid pace and substantial impact of technological change. With an emphasis on modern issues and the presentation of potential opportunities, prospective solutions, and future directions in the field, it is a relevant and essential addition to any academic library’s reference collection.“

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